Founder And CEO
Of Your Travel Agency

Pastor Haytham Mazahreh


Who We Are

Pastor Haytham Mazahreh had a dream to open up the Middle East to Christian travelers, and to enable them to explore and experience the culture and sacred sites of the Holy Land. That dream became a reality when he founded Your Travel Agency.
Your Travel Agency specializes in planning and booking trips to Jordan and other Middle Eastern countries, helping travelers to get a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Their packages allow travelers to explore religious and historical sites, such as the baptism site of Jesus and Mount Nebo's amazing vistas. Visitors can also take part in adventure activities, immerse themselves in the local culture, and visit refugee centers. Here, handmade crafts help refugees to support their families with dignity. Moreover, Christian tour guides will show you the Biblical sites. At Your Travel Agency, travelers can expect excellent customer service and all the help necessary for them to get the most unforgettable experience.

We Will Help You For Group and Business Travel

At Your travel Agency, we promise to take our guests off the beaten path and on a life-changing journey of discovery. Join us and explore the wonders of Jordan’s biblical sites!

Our Mission

Our mission at Your travel Agency is to create uniquely curated travel experiences that combine cutting-edge convenience with educational and cultural exploration in Jordan.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a more connected world by enabling meaningful and life-changing intercultural exchange through our tours. We believe in the power of travel to foster mutual understanding and respect, and strive to serve as a bridge between the world’s many cultural and religious communities.

We are Professional Planners for Your Vacations

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Professional Guide